Renovation Incentives & Rebates
Thinking of Renovating? Need an Incentive?
February 24, 2014
After the hustle and bustle of the holidays and spring around the corner, many begin to think of renovating. If you’re considering renovating or increasing your home’s efficiency, consider the incentives and rebates available that could make your renovation more affordable. Making smart selections will increase your home’s value, comfort and efficiency all the while providing you with a savings down the road.
Back by popular demand, the Livesmart BC program was reintroduced with a new deadline of March 31, 2014 – fingers crossed that they extend the deadline (like last year) or introduce a new program. This program involves a pre-renovation energy assessment that is completed before any work commences and a post-renovation energy assessment after the renovations are complete. The more efficiency gained in your home, the greater the rebate.
Replacing your appliances? Get up to a $150 towards your new appliances through BC Hydro’s Appliance Rebate Program. The Fridge Buy Back program is also anticipated to return this spring.
Home lighting accounts for an average of 15% of homes energy consumption; switch from incandescent lights to LED or CFL to begin seeing savings. Save up to $115 over the lifetime of the bulb by replacing a 60W incandescent with an 11W LED bulb, that produces the same output of light.
Also, don’t forget to check with your local municipality for rebates. Both the Town of Ladysmith and the CVRD offer a toilet replacement rebate of $75/toilet
Consider certifying your home through the Built Green Renovation Program. Certifying your home through Built Green provides it third party certification that it is energy efficient and environmentally responsible and adds value to your home for resale. To have your home certified Built Green, you will need a certified Built Green Renovator who will follow Built Green’s guidelines and principles throughout the renovation. The program is flexible and affordable, and the four different levels certification allows renovators and consumers to make the best choice for their budgets.
Watching the incentive and rebate programs through the past years, one thing is clear – there seems to always be incentives and rebates available for those who are looking. Whenever possible, research the available rebates before you start so you can take full advantage of each rebate and incentive out there, ensuring you apply before the deadlines and select the appliances/units that are eligible.
For links to the rebate information listed above, visit:
Livesmart BC
Fortis BC – Rebates & Offers
BC Hydro – Rebates & Savings
Cowichan Valley Regional District – Toilet Replacement
Cowichan Valley Regional District Woodstove Exchange Program
Kelsey Ann Smith
GNB Builders, Project Assistant
Certified Built Green Renovator